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Intramural Procedures & Policies / Physical Form

Intramural FAQs

How do I register my student for Intramurals?

When signing up your student you must sign them up using BOTH Configio (payment) AND Aktivate (formerly Register My Athlete). If one OR both of these is not completed before the season starts, your student will not be eligible to play.

Can I sign up my student for intramurals after the season has begun?

Sign-ups will have a determined window of time they will be open before the season begins and will not open again once they have been closed.

When is my student's medical history/physical examination form due?

A medical history/physical examination form is due before the first practice. Students will not be allowed to practice or participate in games unless a form has been submitted. 

If a student shows up to practice for multiple practices without a form submission, an email will be sent home as a reminder. If this continues then the student will forfeit their spot on the team to the next student on the waiting list.

How often are intramural jerseys delivered?

Intramural jersey deliveries occur on the first Friday of every month. Once you order a jersey it will be delivered to your student sometime during that school day.

What is the difference between intramural jerseys and house shirts?

Intramural jerseys are made of an athletic material, have the house name and their house symbol printed on the front of the shirt and a Griffin patch on the right sleeve. These are distributed by the Intramural Director.

House/Field Day shirts are a t-shirt emblazoned with the house crest (shield with Griffin and house mascot) on the front. These are distributed by the Parent Service Organization. 

Where can my student put their locker medals on their locker?

At the conclusion of each intramural season, athletes receive locker medals or ribbons. They are allowed to be displayed on lockers in each corner representing each of the four seasons. The two top corners will be used for Fall/Winter Sports and the bottom two corners will be for used for Spring Sports. This last year there was an influx of parent/student made locker decorations for intramurals. These decals are allowed; they must be 3 inches or less in diameter and are allowed to be in one the designated corners. Only ONE decal is allowed per corner. For example, if a student has a “Pevensie Basketball” decal in the designated corner and that student and their team wins the championship they may have the “Pevensie Basketball” decal OR their “Basketball Champions” locker medal.

If a student’s locker is found to be out of standard they will be asked to remove their incorrectly placed decals.

When are intramural jerseys delivered?

Intramural jerseys are delivered on the first friday of every month.

If you wish receive your shirt on the first Friday of the month it must be ordered by the previous Friday at 12pm. 

If an intramural team is full is there any way that my student will be able to play that sport?

When an intramural team fills up we look to see how many people are on the waitlist overall. If there are enough people on the waitlist there is a good chance that we will be able to add an extra (or two) teams to allow for more students play (though not always guaranteed).

There a number of factors we have to ensure before offering multiples teams though. Whenever an extra team is added or current team is expanded there will be an announcement.

Why do intramural teams have a roster limit?

To allow for every player to get equal playing time. Rosters that are too large make it difficult for coaches to ensure equal playing time for all players and to have quality practices when the team exceeds a certain limit. 

Basketball: 12

Volleyball: 12

Soccer: 18

Football: 20

Archery: 12

Track: 30

Flag Football: 20

Why have the intramural jerseys and registration increased in price?

The price increase of the intramural jerseys is due to a switch from a t-shirt (cost from vendor - $12) in the last couple of years to a new athletic jerseys (cost from vendor - $18). The registration cost change from $100 à $120 is due to a number of factors. We have to pay each coach, the intramural director, keep updating equipment, and over the summer we re-seeded the field with grass and resealed the floor in the gym. These final two were needed to ensure the quality and safety of play and were shared between both upper and lower school. Our increases do not cover these costs, but they do help us make sure that the intramural program remains a financially responsible program for us to offer. Though we get some money from the state for athletics, that money does not cover our all of our financial needs. We have tried to keep it affordable, and it is of course optional. We want to run a responsible budget at Northern Oaks and offer a quality athletic experience for our students. We do research and look at up to three different quotes on equipment to try to get the best bang for our buck before purchasing. We also do give discounts to families that are eligible for free and reduced lunch and do our best to support when there is a hardship for a family. Please know that we would not ask for an increase unless we thought it was the responsible thing to do.

What grades participate in Intramural Sports?

Both 5th and 6th graders participate in intramural sports on combined teams. There are some grade-specific sports but it will be made clear in that sport announcement if it is grade-specific. Currently the only grade-specific sport is 6th Grade Archery.

What is the standard for personalized locker stickers/decals?

At the conclusion of each intramural season, athletes receive locker medals or ribbons. They are allowed to be displayed on lockers in each corner representing each of the four seasons. The two top corners will be used for Fall/Winter Sports and the bottom two corners will be for used for Spring Sports. In previous years there were an influx of parent/student made locker decorations for intramurals. These decals are allowed; they must be 3 inches or less in diameter and are allowed to be in one the designated corners. Only ONE decal is allowed per corner. For example, if a student has a “Pevensie Basketball” decal in the designated corner and that student and their team wins the championship they may have the “Pevensie Basketball” decal OR their “Basketball Champions” locker medal.

If a student’s locker is found to be out of standard they will be asked to remove their incorrectly placed/oversized decals.

What shirt is the official shirt of intramurals?

Intramural jerseys may be worn for intramural competitions, field day and spirit shirt days. House shirts can only be worn for spirit days and field day. See examples at bottom of FAQs section.

What is the difference between house shirts and intramural jerseys?

House shirts are emblazoned with a shield on the front of the shirts (complete with house emblem, house title and Griffin) and are made of cotton. Some house shirts have numbers on the back while others do not. Shirts with numbers functioned as jerseys in the past but do not any longer.

Intramural jerseys bear the image of their house and house name above on the front of the shirt with a Griffin on the right sleeve. They are made of an polyester blend and have a number imprinted on the back.

Click on the links below for an example.

What size football is used during intramural games?

A size 7 is used for our intramural football games.

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